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Amiskwaciy Cultural Society

The Amiskwaciy Cultural Society will nurture the children and student’s gifts and talents by providing them with a strong support system that is committed to incorporating Aboriginal perspectives into their everyday lives.


The Amiskwaciy Cultural Society was created in 2013 with the original intent to support Aboriginal students entering into post-secondary education with financial and counseling supports from the Amiskwaciy Academy School to ensure their success as they focus on their post secondary studies.  Upon review of this process, the society decided it would be best to broaden their catchment population to include children and youth as part of their demographic to encompass all Aboriginal youth to succeed in not only mainstream education, but to develop as successful individuals in life as well.  To have the proper role models and supports to make them all feel valued, supported and proud to be who they are.

© 2017 Amiskwaciy Cultural Society

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